Monday, April 24, 2006

Rockstar moment...

So I just wanted to share a totally random thing that happened today. My husband B and I work together, and usually we commute together. Our commute is 40 miles each way, a longish ride, but not terrible since we always have each other's company. Well today B worked from home because we were having a new floor installed in our family room (parquet!), so I had to make the trek by myself.

Well I don't know about everyone else, but I sing to myself in the car and must look totally stupid. At least as bad as I sound. So I'm totally self-conscious, and if I'm at a traffic light or something I stop, just in case somebody is actually paying attention.

On the highway portion of my trip today I saw a few school buses on the road. I noticed right away that they were full of middle school-aged kids. Now I wasn't terribly well socialized when I was that age, I was something of a late bloomer. I was definitely never considered "cool" by any kid of that age group, especially when I was a teacher (I'm sure I'll get around to ranting about that period of my life eventually). As I approached the first bus, I made sure to stop singing because the kids in the back were definitely paying attention. I ignored whatever gestures they were making in my direction and drove past. The next bus cut over a lane, but in the last bus there was a group of boys looking out the back window desperately waving at me. Normally I would ignore them, but today since I was by myself, I pretended to be cool for a minute and smiled and waved back. They lit up and waved for the 30 or so seconds it took me to overtake the bus. With the fuss they were making, I thought "I almost feel famous."

It was totally random and non-important. But I just thought I'd share my rockstar moment.


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