Monday, May 01, 2006

Uncomfortable Silences...

B and I had a barbeque yesterday with a bunch of close friends from college. This particular group of friends are mostly single, or what you could call "dinks" (double income no kids). Only one person there had kids. And yet, somehow the conversation kept ending up back at other people's kids, and who is having kids. One of the group, that didn't attend and tends to be more peripheral, just announced she is pregnant. She was a bit surprised, as she always had an irregular cycle before going on the pill, and had spent the last decade on birth control. She figured it would take a while, so she chucked the pill and ended up preggo the first month.

That comment about her being so sure she wouldn't get pregnant hurt. Of course, I on the other hand, avoided the pill for fear it may hurt my fertility, and have always been regular. And after nine months of fertility charting, I can tell you I ovulate every month, even after a miscarriage. And clearly my husband's swimmers are functioning, at least on some level, since we've been pregnant 3 times. It just isn't fair. But then, I guess most things aren't.

Then, one of my good friends corners me, and asks (without any tact) when we are starting our family. I just gave her a short "I don't know". She asked again, to get the same response. And then there was silence. We haven't decided to tell anyone yet. I hope she understands my short response later.


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