Friday, May 05, 2006

And they're off...

So we got the packet from the clinic that will be doing our pregnancy loss evaluation. I'm going to call the nurse coordinator of the program Nurse Nice, because she is just the best. I've filled out the ten page questionnaire, which seems like a lot but is nothing compared to what some people have to fill out, especially to adopt. Today we go (I say "we" loosely) for our first blood draw. From me, this is what is being tested:

Chromosone analysis
Lupus comprehensive
B2 Glycoprotein I
Inhibin B
Insulin (hence I've been fasting)
C-reactive protein
Ribosomal P Protein AB

I have no idea what the B2, and protein panels are for. Everything else I understand, but I'll definitely ask the doctor when I meet him.

Today B just gets drawn for a chromosone analysis. He was playing around with his vein in the car yesterday, rolling it between his fingers, and playfully saying what a shame it is that my veins are like buried treasure. So while he'll be in and out, they'll be drilling for oil in my arm. I'm sure that won't leave a mark.

When my period arrives, as it most certainly will, I go to have blood drawn on day 3 to check my FSH. Then we wait for our appt., which is May 23. I'm pretty nervous, and B doesn't quite grasp why. This is going to sound crazy, but when you don't know what the problem is, there is always hope that it was some flukey type thing and the next pregnancy will be fine and normal. But once you know what the problem is, it could be something untreatable. While I want to know, so we can fix the problem, there is some comfort in the unknown.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the blood draw went well and your veins had a nice plump day. I know what you mean about knowing vs. not knowing the answers. In the end, once I've had answers I've usually felt better. I hope it works the same for you.

May 06, 2006 8:31 AM  
Blogger Thalia said...

It's good that you're getting properly tested. I think they should also be doing the anticardiolipin antibodies, and the clotting factors - factor V leiden, MTFHR etc. That was what was included in my 'miscarriage panel' anyway.

Hoping you get some answers.

PS your question on Lori's blog - DBTs = dead baby thoughts.

May 07, 2006 3:06 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thalia thanks for the info. I felt totally dumb not knowing!

You are not the first person to tell me they should be doing those tests. This is a preliminary round, so I guess if they don't find anything they will move on to those tests.

May 07, 2006 3:13 PM  

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