Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A tribute...

I'm so new to blogging, and to the blogosphere in general, that I probably have one of the smallest blogrolls ever. I only read a select few blogs. These few have all touched me, and I look for updates almost daily.

Most of my online reading, for the past 10 months or so, has been related to baby-making, baby-having, and baby stuff in general. The last few months or so it has started to focus on fertility, and what could be causing my seeming lack of it. As my situation has become more clear, I will also admit to searching for "miscarriage" more than a few times as well. So the first blogs that I stumbled across were all by infertiles, and women trying to have babies.

Among the blogs of infertiles, I stumbled across Cancerbaby. I was drawn to her blog by her honest voice and her strength in the face of cancer. I found it only a few months ago, right around the time when she stopped posting. As I read her archives, I got to know her. Cancerbaby described being diagnosed with cancer as a process of loss. In one instant, you lose your perception of yourself, and of the life you thought you had.

Yesterday, after months of silence broken only by Cancerbaby's friend, we were told that she would no longer be posting. It seems that Cancerbaby is not doing well, that she is losing her battle. I didn't want to comment on her blog, there just aren't words to express how sorry I am, how unfair it is, and how sad it makes me. And, seeing how I'm not a religious person, I can't offer my prayers. I hope that no matter what happens her blog is kept online, so more people can see what true strength and courage are. So many people have been touched by her already. Today, I mourn for my cyberfriend, a woman I have never met, but will also never forget.


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