Feeling pretty sh*tty
Sorry for the long absence. I ended up in the ER yesterday. Remember I said that my left ovary was killing me, and I was having intestinal issues? Well, I finally caved and went to get it checked out. Turns out both of my ovaries have one cyst each. A little larger on the right side, surprisingly. And there is fluid in my pelvis, which I'm sure is irritating me. But, the scary thing is that there was decreased blood flow to my left ovary. They think it could be torsion, but I have to go for a follow-up on friday at the OB/Gyn. And now I'm running a low-grade fever to boot. Blech. The cysts are not simple either, they are either complex or hemorragic.
I'm worried because we leave for our cruise on Sunday, and all I want is to feel good for that. And I'm irrationally scared of the big C. If you Google "complex ovarian cysts", you'll see that is not helping, either. The doctor assured me that it's not that, but it certainly isn't good.
As a follow-up, the dog is doing much better!! She keeps scratching at one of the wounds, and re-opening it though. We put an E-collar on her to keep her from licking it. She is at the vet now with B getting a check-up. {One of the commenters asked why we should call animal control, well in this state you are supposed to report any dog bite. They sequester the offending dog to run tests and check to be sure it has all of its shots.} I'm sure the vet is yelling at B right now for not calling, but at least in our case we know our dog has all her shots, so she should be fine.
Oh, and as an aside, in the ER they did a blood pregnancy test yesterday, and it was negative. I'm not sure I can do the Clomid again, especially knowing I already have some pretty evil looking cysts. So I don't know where this leaves us on the reproductive front. I will try to update again after my visit to the OB/Gyn, before we leave for the cruise (hopefully!!). And I apologize for not commenting on any blogs this week, I've been reading but not feeling too spectacular. Not exactly a fountain of hope and good cheer this week.
This vacation isn't the best so far. Hoping your week is better.
I'm worried because we leave for our cruise on Sunday, and all I want is to feel good for that. And I'm irrationally scared of the big C. If you Google "complex ovarian cysts", you'll see that is not helping, either. The doctor assured me that it's not that, but it certainly isn't good.
As a follow-up, the dog is doing much better!! She keeps scratching at one of the wounds, and re-opening it though. We put an E-collar on her to keep her from licking it. She is at the vet now with B getting a check-up. {One of the commenters asked why we should call animal control, well in this state you are supposed to report any dog bite. They sequester the offending dog to run tests and check to be sure it has all of its shots.} I'm sure the vet is yelling at B right now for not calling, but at least in our case we know our dog has all her shots, so she should be fine.
Oh, and as an aside, in the ER they did a blood pregnancy test yesterday, and it was negative. I'm not sure I can do the Clomid again, especially knowing I already have some pretty evil looking cysts. So I don't know where this leaves us on the reproductive front. I will try to update again after my visit to the OB/Gyn, before we leave for the cruise (hopefully!!). And I apologize for not commenting on any blogs this week, I've been reading but not feeling too spectacular. Not exactly a fountain of hope and good cheer this week.
This vacation isn't the best so far. Hoping your week is better.
Dear Michelle, of course you're feeling shitty. I am so sorry. What a nasty thing to go through. I'm hoping your cysts resolve quickly and never come back. And I hope your appointment today goes well and you get to go on that cruise on Sunday -- a vacation is in order.
Take good care of yourself, my dear.
I just found your blog. I'm so sorry about your crappy week. Thank God you went to the ER. It's almost been 2 weeks since you posted, and I hope you're doing better. Hopefully enjoying your cruise!
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