Saturday, May 20, 2006

Uh, what the fuck???

OK, so I am now officially a medical mystery. Let me explain.

I've been having some pain on my left side, for about a week. Not excrutiating, mind you, but nonetheless, pain. I have complained to B, or Mr. Duedates, and left it at that. Of course, I consulted Dr. Google. Everything I read about my pain was scary, and always included the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. Now, we all remember that I just had my period on May 9th? Good. It was a completely normal period. At the expected time in my cycle. And my temperature dropped to proper pre-ovulatory levels. Everything normal. I didn't bother with a pregnancy test, as my body was telling me that it was not pregnant.

I have had abnormal bleeding due to pregnancy before, and this was not it. I was sure. I had my day 3 FSH level drawn, and scheduled my appointment at the maternal fetal clinic. All good.

But this pain, it isn't going away. It could just be gas, but who has gas for a whole week? And the next suspicious thing, I took an OPK test yesterday morning, and it was positive. On the morning of cycle day 11??? Weird. Maybe not for some, but since I have been ovulating around Day 15 or later, definitely weird. But B and I shrugged it off, and like the troopers we are, tried anyway.

So. This morning I take another OPK test, and once again, positive. I bet you know where I'm going with this, right? So I of course, like any true pregnancy-test-aholic, have a stash. I know there is no way I'm preggo, but I have some dollar tests, and this odd pain, and very early positive I did it. I peed on that dollar test, and you know what? POSITIVE. Sonofabitch.

Well, this can't be good. There is no way I've ovulated by cycle day 11, and I've had a normal period since my last egg left the nest. And of course, this pain. So I wake up B, and show him the preggo tests, and say "I think we're in trouble". Ah, the pregnancy announcement of any girl's dreams. I call my sister, Dr. C, next, and break the bad news. She is actually doing rounds when I call, so I get off and call the OB's answering service. Dr. Douche calls back and has the nerve to suggest that it is a false positive, on TWO BRANDS and an OPK. Well. I tell her that, in fact, after close to a year of trying, and 3 miscarriages, I know a freaking positive when I see it. So she tells me to go to the ER.

As expected, there is nothing on the ultrasound, and my beta is a whopping 56.5. Don't laugh, that's the highest confirmed beta I've had to date. But clearly not very good if the last egg I released was on April 26th. And since there is no way for me to be anything but 3 days or 3 weeks since my last ovulation and sexcapade, I'm sure this is very, very bad. But nobody is giving any consideration to this being ectopic. They all think I'm some twit who must've gotten my dates wrong, and congratulations!

We'll show them. I bet it is abdominal, just to show off how absurdly bad I am at this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry no one is taking your ectopic concerns seriously. It's so frustrating to be treated as if you couldn't possibly know what's going on with your body. I hope you get some answers soon on what's going on. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

May 21, 2006 11:04 AM  

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