Thursday, June 01, 2006

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Sorry for being so quiet!! I was away this weekend, at my husband's family reunion. Yawn! But it kept me from posting, so I'll update you all now.

1. My father-in-law is fine, thanks for the well wishes! They couldn't find anything, and they tested for everything! So he came with us after all this weekend, and seemed fine the whole time. Must have been a false alarm.

2. Still waiting for two things: the results of yesterday's beta, and our genetic karotyping. I am stumped about this miscarriage, as I have not started to bleed yet. HPTs are coming up negative, finally, but no bleeding? I'm at a loss. At this point, I think my body is just being vindictive, and purposefully not expelling its contents. I mean, the longer it takes for that to happen, the longer until my next cycle, and only then can I get the FSH draw and the sonohystogram. So basically, we get to try again, never. Sigh.

So really, I'm still in the waiting game. Nothing to report. But I'm still sorry for leaving you hanging like that. I will try to be better.


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