B had jury duty this week. We work together, and usually commute together, but this week obviously we went our separate ways. He kept getting out of court early, and supposedly had gone clothes shopping (B just lost about 75 pounds!). The last day he said he had gone to Sears, and no offense to anyone who shops there, but I was a bit dumbfounded. It was a beautiful day, I thought he would go home and let the dog out and bring her to the park or something. So I yelled at him, I was like duh, of course you didn't buy anything there! Why did you even go there!
Long story short, turns out he had gone and bought me some new dishes, ones that I had confessed to liking despite their obvious girliness and cuteness. I'm not usually much of a girly girl, I don't wear makeup or dresses etc. if I can help it. And he planned a picnic lunch. How nice is that? You can see the girliness
here...and seriously, I don't know why but I do love them. And it was just out of the blue. I'm so not worthy.
In other news, my OPK just turned positive. I know, we can't even try this month, but I'm a woman obsessed and I had to see. It is CD17, and I test in the am (against the box's wishes) so the surge started yesterday afternoon. I should ovulate today or tomorrow then. Pretty par for the course, although some months I ovulate on CD13. I wonder if Clomid or whatever other horrible fertility drug I end up taking will make me ovulate sooner? That would be great. And do you think that ovulating as late as I do is a sign or perimenopause or something? This worries me a bit, and I know the FSH test will have a lot to say about that, but there's not much we can do to fix this.
Also, we had to rush our dog to the vet yesterday, because her tail no longer wags. I'm totally serious. Usually she wags away, but yesterday when I let her out of her crate, her tail was limp and non-moving. The vet doesn't think it is broken, and gave us some pain meds to see if that helps. She also popped her "anal glands" in case they were impacted and causing the pain. Eww. It was a bit better yesterday evening, but still not normal. Did I ever tell you that we have a sick cat as well? Our cat had a terrible episode of inflammatory bowel disease with ulcers in her stomach last year, and almost died. Diagnosing her, and treating her, cost about $6,000. No joke. She is fine now, and only needs a bit of Pepcid every day to keep her normal. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this tail thing is some dread, and expensive disease. Sheesh.
Happy Father's Day to all who are celebrating. Gotta go take B's family out to brunch. First family meal after we told everyone, and father's day as well, I'm sure this will be fun. Wish me luck.